Saturday, July 30, 2011

Blueberries, yummy to eat and gorgeous to look at

Have you ever seen a blueberry bush in full bloom? The blueberry bush is a wonderful plant because of all its many uses.

The blueberry bush isn’t just a berry plant that bears fruit but also gives you a radiance glow or something amazing to look at in your yard.

There are so many various things that you can do with blueberries such as make jams, jellies, pies, cakes and so much more. For many years people have used blueberries to heal various illnesses as well as in food. Blueberries are a versatile fruit because they have so many different things that they can be used for besides just to look pretty.

Native Americans have even been once linked to grinding blueberries into a spice or rub that can be rubbed onto meat before cooking. As the meat is cooked the blueberries seep into the meat giving it a very sweet and tart taste all at the same time. There are blueberry teas, juices, extracts and so many other items that one can only dream of.

Many doctors even recommend blueberries as a way to cleanse your kidneys the same way as cranberries are used for so that you can prevent kidney stones from forming. Blueberries can be beneficial in preventing urinary tract infections and many other reproductive organs. In woman, blueberry tea has been said to help a woman in childbirth to sooth or calm her and has also been used as a form of cough syrup.

Blueberries are very beneficial because they are rich and pure in antioxidants which aids in preventing cancer, heart disease and many other forms of illnesses and hereditary diseases.